Seeking the Truth Behind the Pomp and Pageantry of the World



fact or FICTION?
you judge

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Hidden Sun (Light)

The following are basically brainstorming thoughts that started developing about a year ago, perhaps that will one day lead to a book. But for now, I thought I should share these thoughts. I don't know what these thoughts will produce later.. they are still in their infancy. But here they are.

So we have the 'Light-Bearer' - Lucifer, King of the Damned. The Devil. The 'Light' of this World.. (is the darkness of the next). This world is actually dark, compared to the other one, the 'true world.'

Reference to the 'Sun' and Sun God and numerous symbols relating to it, ie. streaks of light emanating from avatars' heads. Ra, Sun God, Christ as sometimes esoterically known as a continuation of the 'Sun Gods.' But is it true? I don't know...

The 'Light' can mean the light of the sun, as David Icke says all is an illusion, even that, only he doesn't elaborate further on it, and the Matrix makes out even the sun to be part of it, 'made' by beings in the "Matrix.'

So we are told not to worship idols, things in place of the 'real thing.' Worship of the 'Sun.' Is it an idol? The real 'Light' is beyond it perhaps..? The light of this world is the darkness of the next...?

The 'Prince of the Powers of the Air' esoteric tarot cards and the Bible brought that up. I had to ask myself, my higher self, what does that mean? And I got the answer, the 'air' the media, television, radio, etc. the signals travel through the air... so, the indoctrination can pass through those outlets.

These same sources of thought that say that there is a 'real Sun' behind our actual sun, astrally.

I guess I thought these thoughts were fit to print around this time close to Christmas, which has had esoteric associations with the old Sun God rituals.

Just came across this link through the Merovee site, originally from this page here:

Talks about the duality of philosophies and movements. Kind of like what I was saying about a 'Hidden Sun.'

Updated October 13, 2011

I believe this article here:
reveals the 'Hidden Sun' that is really being worshipped by these modern day 'ancient' Babylonian Pagans.

Here, you can see how that is:

"Artifacts of ancient civilizations have revealed that Sirius was of a great importance in astronomy, mythology and occultism. Mystery schools consider it to be “sun behind the sun” and, therefore, the true source of our sun’s potency. If our sun’s warmth keeps the physical world alive, Sirius is considered to keep the spiritual world alive. It is the “real light” shining in the East, the spiritual light, where as the sun illuminates the physical world, which is considered to be a grand illusion."

Do the 'Elite' know something we don't..??? Of course.. they always know something we don't.. that is their Nature.. but, the question is.. WHAT is it they know and we do not..?? But, maybe they do not even 'know' it, but think they know it and are being deceived in the process. We should always weigh what we think we know with 'Ultimate Truth' the True Light of the Universe and the same Light that shines in our Souls and Illuminates our Minds so that we really *KNOW* what is the Truth. 

Update: here, is an article talking about the ancient worship of the 'ancient Sun' known as 'Saturn:'
This gives you an idea of what the 'Elite' 'know.' And secretly practice and cultivate.

This is connected to the 'Saturn Death Cult' which seeks to rise again in the world.

And, go here, for a great radio interview of the author of that page and book .

I highly recommend his book,

The Saturn Death Cult by

Troy D. McLachlan

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

After the Fall.. Sung by Klaus Nomi

Felt like posting these lyrics by Klaus Nomi, avant-garde German 'Space-Man' and 'Star-Man' who was here for a time to share Universal Truths and then went back to wherever he came from. To me, these words are very inspiring and eminently optimistic.

Well I told you about the total eclipse now
but still it caught you unaware
But I'm telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we'll be there
And even though you went to church upon Sunday
you thought you didn't even have a prayer
But I'm telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we'll be there

After the fall we'll be born, born, born again
after it all blows away
after the fall, after the fall
after it all blows away

We'll take a million years of civilization
We're gonna give it the electric chair
But I'm telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we'll be there

I see a hundred million lonely mutants
they are glowing in their dark despair
But I'm telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we'll be there


Well the freak shall inherit the earth now
No matter how well done or rare
But I'm telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we'll be there
We'll build our radioactive castles
out in the radioactive air
And I'm telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we'll be there


Vortex Based Mathematics by Marko Rodin

If you get a chance, go through this video to read about the energy behind the Universe that can be harnessed.

Vortex Based Mathematics - Energy of the Universe

The reason this is important, because technology harnessed like this and more can save our world from mainstream energy sources, the ones that are constantly being shown as the only way.. pomp and pageantry my friends.. all a show.. to hide the truth.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Love and Worship of Chaos

Remember this scene from The Dark Knight when the Joker, played brilliantly by the late Heath Ledger of course burns the money? This is interesting because it represents just how truly reckless and a lover of chaos this symbolic character was.. so reckless in fact, that even what represents power to him was not important. If we dig deeper, what we come to find was that this figure actually worships Chaos.. as if it were an entity, a thing. Chaos - which has neither rhyme nor reason, and causes despair and destruction, is the true nature of the so-called 'dark side' and the 'Devil.' Furthermore, this character can further represent the deep hidden rage of the collective unconscious of the 'power elite' perhaps.. where at bottom, they are chaotic reckless children.. yet highly dangerous at the same time.. actually, what could be more dangerous than a reckless, chaotic, child full of endless rage and a sense of entitlement? This is reminiscent of the Greek myth of Saturn, one of the highest of the high of the Olympian Gods, master of Time and Space, Titan of the Skies was he, who, afraid that his children would end up destroying him, devoured them as soon as they were born. The highly rich and elite of the world are taught to be by their very upbringing and also the fact that they can basically buy anything, including power and prestige. Yet, if at one point, one of them wishes to usurp the father, they would most likely be devoured. In the Dark Knight (symbolic again), we feel a sense of sympathy somehow for this character, the Joker, which is actually ironic, since he doesn't joke. We can somehow see his vulnerability, although with every step, he burns it away like this cash.. isn't that funny, however? In light of economic realities today, which did not exist at the time of this movie, at least not in this capacity, isn't that ironic, that this reckless, chaotic man-child burns away all the cash..? Because again, that is not what is important, it is a tool, it is what is done with it that counts, the chaos and destruction it causes, whether it is given or taken away.. 

For more on 'Chaos' go here:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

David Icke-The Greatest Speech for Humanity-V for Vendetta-Directors cut

He was my father and my mother, my brother, my friend. He was you and me. He was all of us...... referenced by David Icke from his tour and book HUMAN RACE, GET OFF YOUR KNEES 

"By the power of Truth, I, the living have conquered the Universe." 


David Icke Brixton Academy 2010. the moon matrix, they live movie, part ...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Part II of 'Rise of the Robots'

Part II of the article: see above article, Transhumanism, Rise of the Robots

The following is a comment I posted in response to this article on Vigilant Citizen's website. Please read the article first. Thanks.

Okay then, so in the beginning of the video Will I.Am, says that it would be cool if a robot voice sang his lyrics. So wouldn't that mean he would be out of a job?! Or would he only be the one who wrote the lyrics, but then he wouldn't perform or what..? Let's just say in the context of the video... in the 'dream within the dream' within the fantasy within the video.. or whatever! Wouldn't that bee makin' sense? Heheh.. anyway, after Michael Jackson died, and I heard his brain was separated from his body amidst highly secret burial processions, naturally of course since he was such a cult, I mean pop superstar.. I suspected that he was one of 'em that would cryogenically freeze his brain for later use when technology would be such that it could be put into an android body or something like that. He was weird enough that I am sure he would do something like that. The unfortunate thing of that is, it can't happen, the soul cannot be captured, as advanced as technology can get, we cannot manufacture a soul, at least not what would be a real soul, it could be something that could seem like a soul, like in artificial intelligence, but even then what would that be..? Some kind of strange entity, not human at all, a Frankenstein of sorts. An abomination if you think about it. 

See Steven Spielberg's movie AI (Artificial Intelligence) for questions on that issue. Philosophical questions of morality brought up, quite brilliant really since he probably was aware of the trends of Transhumanism and brought up the philosophical questions of it. Is that why the movie did not get rave reviews..? Didn't it? Because of it's 'truth?' Of course see The Matrix series of movies for more on the 'Hive Mind.' what it could really mean, you think that's science fiction? Yeah, maybe now, although not spiritually, I think we all get influenced in a 'hive mind' at one point or another until we break free and become truly independent thinking creatures in our own right. But if these Transhumanist concepts would truly take effect, it could conceivably create an 'actual' 'hive mind.' See the 'Borg' series of stories in Star Trek Next Generation. For those who think  it would bee 'cool' think about.. not having your own thoughts, not being to escape from the 'hive' would that bee cool..? That means if you wanted to go see your girlfriend, you couldn't - not if the 'Hive' had to do its thing. Furthermore, according to this article, in order to function at the highest efficiency, the 'Hive' would not be allowed to have sexual desire. There goes normal human living. It would be like having the most restrictive parents in the world! And then some! Teenagers out there, you think you have it difficult now, just imagine if you had a 'group mind!' Not your own mind at all. 

Now this concept has been around for more than a few decades, probably longer in very elite circles, those who 'saw the future' but in the twentieth century, it has been around at least since the advent of film, take Metropolis (1927), ( is basically about a woman who gives up her soul and spirit and body to become this kind of robot, only it is done in an esoteric black magic ritual from what I understand. That may not be readily apparent at first glance or if you are not aware of that kind of thing. So this idea has been around for quite some time. Fritz Lang was a filmmaker who escaped from impending Nazi Germany so he was on the side of exposing the truth of things. His remarkable film was really about the dangers of Transhumanism.

One thing to watch out for - they may introduce this concept in the most innocuous way, and how would they make it so that some willingly do this..? I have seen the evidence. Watching an episode of 'V' the sci-fi epic about aliens that come down to earth, but have really been here all along, who look like humans, because they have cloned their skin from human genes, but are really reptiles. Ha. Well anyway, interesting show, 'cause I am such a sci-fi fan so watch it.

But anyway, a few episodes or so ago, in this show called 'V,' there was an extremely clever and seamless edit. But I caught it, it was in regards to that 'super soldier' that the Queen sent out to catch the dissidents from the Fifth Column, you have to watch the show to even know what all this means. So watch it! The Hive demands it! Hehe, just a little 'Bee' humor..  anyway, it was a matter of editing, and it was so seamless, unless you pay attention and are very observant or have some knowledge of media and editing, you may not catch it. But this super soldier with piercing intense blue eyes and a super physique and powers, who can 'see' heartbeats through the air, a hunting machine so to speak, like a terminator type figure, is shown hunting the humans, and just before cutting to commercial, you see a clip of his eyes and it seamlessly slips into a commercial about Halo of all things, the video game. I frankly thought it was a commercial about joining the army. It did look like that. But this Halo game as those who play it know, is extremely popular from what I understand, and this commercial makes it seem like to be in the game you have to be literally 'in the game' like some sort of virtual reality. It shows images of the character laying on a table with some sort of chips or something being embedded into his head, probably to give him more 'power.' This is just a fantasy commercial for now, but I believe this is a way to influence game players for one to want to have chips or other computerized components inserted into their heads/bodies to enhance the game so that virtual reality will take over and you are actually 'in the game.' It was ruthlessly clever to edit in such a way that the super soldier on the show seamlessly goes to the commercial without a break.. what you see at first is the piercing blue eyes of the super soldier in the show V and then the commercial which shows the eyes of the soldier in Halo. 

So, that is one way that 'they' could get some to willingly start to become Transhuman.. that is their way, make us want to do that, what is ultimately not good for us.. Sound like anything familiar..? if you do this, oh surely you will not die... no you will not die.. but what you know as your soul, spirit and free thinking will and since that is what makes us truly human and sentient beings, and we don't have that then yeah, we die! I hope that whoever these Transhumanists target which may start with the game players, that they think twice about what they may be doing and letting happen to them, because once you open that door, a whole host of other unexpected guests may arrive and once they're in, they won't want to leave!

This is not to say that 'Gamers' might be the only ones susceptible to this kind of thinking. Everyone can be. Anyone who is tempted by technology, and perhaps 'immortality.' Someone sick who is promised with technology that would save their body but compromise their mind might be tempted. The list goes on and on. This is an explanation only for a start. There is more to be talked about. 

If you wish to see this episode, it should be on the ABC website for at least a little while longer, if it is still on there, they usually keep the last five episodes I believe. If not there, you can look on Hulu, or Veoh or one of the other free websites they have now that have TV shows. But if you see this episode, the part I am talking about is towards the end of the episode, in the last quarter probably. It is the episode regarding the 'super soldier' that the 'Queen' ('Queen Bee?') releases to hunt the Fifth Column, the rogue group that is against the 'V's.' You must watch the show to know what it is I am talking about at all. Of course, on the webisode, they would probably not have the original commercial showing, so this may be a moot point. But you can see the episode anyway to see what I am talking about.

This is not the original commercial that showed on that episode of 'V but this one is rather interesting too. There are comments on the original video on youtube to the effect that 'this trailer is better than the game!' I find that interesting, why is it that the trailer and commercials are so elaborate, just to advertise for a simple video game..? At least not its intended ultimate incarnation..? Could it be that it is not a simple video game? It's just a game, right? The trailer sure seems serious. I don't know if it is supposed to be about America or some other unknown country, but it resembles one of those war movies about the Nazis or some other tyrannical regime. I don't know, kinda intense.

Here it is anyway: 

Monday, May 24, 2010

Transhumanism, Rise of the Robots

Updated, June 5, 2010; re-updated November 30, 2010

To be brief, as this is an ongoing research project which changes as new developments come up, but Transhumanism is basically surpassing the biological being through the medium of technology. That is the simplest most basic explanation I can give at this time. More later on that. But for now, I just wanted to post a comment I made to one of the 'Truth-seekers' on the web, known as Vigilant Citizen, who bravely and persistently exposes the truth behind our world, especially in the world of music, but also eccentric architecture and other elements of our culture. Lately, as has VC and others, I have noticed a rising Transhumanist thread weaving its way through our modern day world. You can see it in music, whether it's from Lady Gaga or currently Christina Aguilera, Beyonce or Rhianna. You can also see it in films, classic and modern. For example, it started with the 1927 silent classic Metropolis and continues into such films as The Matrix series which deals with a 'group mind' of sleeping humans controlled by an alien entity which is basically artificial intelligence. Our world is becoming increasingly automated, whether it is at the supermarket checkout station or the RFID station at the library. There are chips in cell phones, cars, probably TV's what's next? Technology is necessary and helpful and exciting and interesting, don't get me wrong, I even make my living through the technical field. But I recognize that technology can sometimes go too far and must be lassoed like a wild bull. Perhaps it could become so fierce and 'knowing' at one point to become unrecognizable as a digital entity and cross over to the 'human' ans sentient side. There have been numerous books and movies made about that very subject for decades. It's like it's a latent feat in the collective unconscious, as if we as a species know what is possible. And with the rise in technological advances we have seen so far, it is almost as if the computers have their own minds, a low level of artificial intelligence if you will.

Transhumanism sees humanity as flawed and technology as its savior. The problem with that is anytime you see something as flawed, you are willing and able to discard it. And this is jumping ahead, perhaps a preview of articles or stories to come, but what if humans were somehow merged with technology, what kind of issues would that propose? What kind of marriage would that be? Seems quite incompatible, yet it seems like once a merger like that is made, it would seem difficult if not impossible to divorce oneself from that. But the trends are there, from the supposed inventor of the cell phone, who in 1973 made the first actual cell phone call to his competitor, who one day envisions that cell phones will be embedded behind one's ear and he will call it 'Sam' and when he wants to make a call, will say 'Sam, call such and such.' So, now one day cell phones will be embedded in your brain and have their own names? At any other time in history if anyone said that to a psychiatrist, they would instantly be labeled, 'insane.' That also sounds suspiciously like 'mind control' of some sort, see VC's many articles about that. But in this modern day technological mecca, that may be considered 'progress.' Perhaps that's what Lady G's 'Telephone' is really about? Simply planting the idea in the population's mind that a 'telephone' should be attached to one's head? Well, good luck with that! I already hate having the cell phone with me all the time and being able to be reached at almost any time, and would I agree to having it embedded in my head?! No way! You can keep your telephone.. I'll go back to cave days if I have to.. so anyway, that's all for now. Enjoy the rest of the post, which is contained in "Part II."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The True Nature of Religion

On this holiest of days ahead, I thought I would release one of my responses on a forum about religion.

I like that thought and I have thought the same thing.. that's why in the end, we really don't have anything to worry about.. it's like Shakespeare himself said, a mysterious figure that some think was on the 'inside' anyway, and not really an illiterate poor man, how could he be anyway? Well he could be, but besides that, like he said

"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players."

Maybe he was onto something there.

Whether it's us, the so-called Illuminati, the shadow government, the politicians, whether sincere or corrupt, the rich, the poor, the stupid, the ignorant, the naive or cunning, the wise or green, we all have a part to play in this great Universal play..

And in relation to what [name withheld] and others said about religions, I have to concur with that view too, I think that every 'religion' has truth and some deceit to it, the job is to find the truth in it for ourselves; it cannot be just given to us, if it were, we would not recognize it anyway and we might not be worthy of it. But if we find it ourselves, we will surely know it when we see it and will be worthy of attaining it at that point. Also, I think that every religion or way of thinking has some piece to the puzzle and it's up to us to all work together with our different points of view and thinking and beliefs, the key is to 'work together' to 'become one' in the truest and most spiritual way, not 'new agey' and then, and only then will we all discover the One Truth that resides in the collective unconscious of the Universe itself. Remember, one of Jesus' prayers before he approached the Garden of Gethsemane was 'Let everyone become one' I think this is what he was referring to..

The Ladder of Light: Ascent to Success

Comment in response to Vigilant Citizen's Post on Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet – Part 2

Yeah, it’s all very perplexing really, it make you wonder, are these symbols being blatantly broadcast to inform the public that the industry is part of all of this or are they trying to make light of the symbology? Or are they hiding in plain view? It’s really hard to tell sometimes. But anyway, “things that make you go hmmm…” But here’s a kicker, as a lot of you may know by now, Lady Gaga has recently ’seen the Queen’ (Queen of England) and she was wearing red! And red, if you are not aware, is an Illuminati/secret society ritual color. The color of sacrifice. And it was quite an elaborate red dress actually, she kinda looked like the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland, more mind control Illuminati symbolism at work there… and there are connections of the Illuminati to the Queen, perhaps even the Queen Mother of all Illuminati.. who knows, but anyway, if that doesn’t prove that Lady Gaga hasn’t been playing with the fires of Illumination then I don’t know what does.. I guess she’s graduated to the next level, she’s proved her worth in that world and got to meet the High Queen.. but that doesn’t mean that she’s in the highest levels of all that, just a bit higher now. She has ascended one more rung of the ‘ladder of light..’ But if she really is getting deep into all of this, I just hope she eventually knows how to get out if she wants, but once you taste of the success bestowed upon you, it becomes harder and harder to get out. That’s one reason I think it has been said that it is much harder for the ‘rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven’ (paraphrased from the Bible), but I remember reading once a long time ago, something that Mother Theresa said, and I’ve never forgotten it because it’s an unusual viewpoint, she said that not only do the poor need assistance, but the rich do as well.. I think she was referring to things such as this.. despite all this, I must say, I do enjoy Lady Gaga’s music and performances and I have heard that she is a really nice person to her fans.. even buying them all pizza on the opening day of her CD while they were waiting in line. But for some reason, probably because she is so talented and has charisma and her hand on the pulse of society, she has been chosen to convey these hidden symbols to the world in her work, so for whatever it’s worth, she works for them for now. If anybody wants to see more about the Illuminati in film, watch Eyes Wide Shut, that last film that Stanley Kubrick did before he died (one researcher has said, coincidence or not..?), but anyway, the scenes in this film apparently portray very closely inside rituals of the aforementioned group. And, they are wearing red!

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Real Meaning of the Story of 'Adam & Eve'

So what does the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible really mean? Some take it literally, others look deeper and still others know there are hidden coded meanings in the stories of the Bible, based on an ancient system of thought and knowledge called the Kaballah. Whatever it is, we can always dig deeper and try to ascertain the real meaning behind a story.

Recently, I saw a comment on an enlightened discussion group online which sparked my thoughts on this issue. The comment had to do with Coca-Cola, the commenter asked, are the "makers of "Coca-Cola" on the plane just big drug pushers trying to keep the world asleep by creating a legal substance to weigh our minds down?

Well I must say 'Coca-Cola' is one of my vices, but no matter what, I will NEVER drink diet coke or any diet cola or food that contains aspartame in it! Bad bad stuff.. and I heard that now they have changed the name to 'something (unknown word) sweet' watch for it.. basically anything manufactured, not natural could be bad for us.. funny how 'progress' from the times of the Neanderthals to now has basically not brought up much further up the spiritual ladder. Well it has, but all this manufactured 'goodness' we have in our modern day life sometimes does us more harm than good.. Maybe the future involves going back to simpler times, like in the days of the 'cavemen' yet with a new consciousness of knowing what we're doing and why. Back then they didn't know, today we would. Maybe that's the true meaning of 'Adam and Eve' coded for the trans-formation of humanity through Time.

It is like the serpent, who in many cultures around the world, has sometimes been revered as 'Wisdom' yet how the creature is portrayed in the story of Adam and Eve is a 'tempter.' Perhaps that 'tempter' is there to teach us something? But if you listen to his words, he said of taking of the apple of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil' that 'surely you will not die.' Well, if we take of say aspartame, we will die? Well maybe not, but it could cause many symptoms, some severe and some mild, but it could in a way cause us to 'die.' I find it funny that the name itself, aspartame, if you break it down, could be 'tame' the 'asp' which is another word for snake. If you break down words a lot, you will find things you never thought you would.

But in conclusion, I would say that one hidden or coded meaning of the story of Adam and Eve is the long transformation from early and unconscious man to what we have to today, so-called 'modern man' yet who is still unconscious from time to time and is facing many obstacles to becoming conscious. Yet everything going on today whether it is economical, political, climate-wise, weather-wise, the earth changes, and the spiritual consciousness that is becoming more and more apparent these days - all of it is meant is egging us on to become more conscious. We may eventually go back to simpler times, as it was in the 'cave days' but if we did or do, we would go back with a new sense of things and know what we were doing and why.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Alone with My Thoughts..

Here is my reply in response to a discussion on a forum about how to get along and stay positive in these trying times.

I used to let things depress me, but in these trying times, oddly enough I am happier than ever. Well maybe not completely and utterly joyful, but I just don't let anything get to me. And, I have no fear of anything. Nothing. We should not fear, everything runs as it should be even if we can't see it. Everything happens for a reason. That belief alone will carry anyone through. Anyway, I can agree with what some of the others said on here, I feel like I lead a double life sometimes as well. I can only truly be myself with myself. I am not 'fake' around others, unless I'm around someone who is truly superficial or shallow, but I can't be around someone like that for very long at all. But even then, I try to be sincere and 'happy' and positive.

But, I spend an inordinate amount of time alone, although a lot of it is spent on the computer, like on sites such as these. I am most happy when reading writing about things like this on this forum, the truth.. what can I say - I love thinking! And learning and seeking the Truth.. the center of things.. I cannot stand to only look at the surface of something. It eats through me until I seek and find the center.

I have so many friends that want to talk to me, but I almost detest being on the phone. I could probably go weeks without talking to anyone, perhaps. I haven't tried it. I am not anti-social, on the contrary, but when I am at home, I just like to be left alone to my thoughts, and my computer etc. or watching movies, I like to be alone with my thoughts. Sometimes I just can't fathom how other people live without having their own thoughts.. I think people are drawn to me because they see how meditative and thoughtful I am and they want some of it, but anyone can and should get that for themselves.. perhaps it is my way of communing with God.. in my own way. There, some of my inner thoughts and ways..