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Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Perfect Patsy?

The Aurora, Colorado shootings is all anyone has been talking about the last few days and with good reason, but some of us (many on alternative websites and blogs and so-called 'Conspiracy' websites) delve deeper into these things than 'just the surface.' One such site is 'Merovee' which inspires a lot of my comments and thinking. Here is one article about it that I read lately and felt compelled to comment on. More later. But the more we delve into this, the deeper and darker the rabbit hole goes... and it seems to be endless.

In response to this article here about the Aurora, Colorado shootings, I came up with a response of my own.

I think it's a classic case of MK Ultra Mind Control!! I think it SCREAMS of it! Everybody should read Stewart Swerdlow's books for first person account of that stuff. Extremely interesting life story from that guy. You will get an idea. Yes, but I totally believe that this James guy is completely and utterly delusional, which is what made/makes him a perfect candidate as a patsy/scapegoat for this 'Plan' whatever it is/was... and since the Conspiracy websites are crawling with theories (like ATS 'Above Top Secret' good one for those), let us indulge a little here... although even the regular Mainstream news, like CNN and Yahoo mention reports of witnesses seeing someone sitting in the front row of the theater get up, seem to take a call and then either prop open the Exit door or leave it open to 'let the 'Joker  in' i.e. James Holmes a short while later in full garb completely covered from head to toe no less so you can't even see his face. Interesting that one. But anyway, this is deeply disturbing, because if this was really set up by the 'Negative Elite' (how 'bout 'Nelite' for short), then it is very scary the lengths they will go to prove their points and ultimately instigate their unjust, freedom-usurping, Orwellian Laws.. THAT is the most scary part of all this.. the lengths they will allegedly go to.. 'cause as most everybody here knows this is no ordinary Homegrown 'Terrorist' act. The 'Lone Gunman' acts are always too similar as if they are set up. And this young highly intelligent man James Holmes either probably doesn't know at all what he did, or thinks he did something heroic in his mind or as some conspiracy theories have been saying, a 'black ops' agent did it for him when they 'switched' places and somehow James ended up in the back of the theater thinking he just did something good. Again - why he makes a perfect candidate for this 'Operation.' 'The Perfect Patsy' indeed, funny, the definition is this:

pat·sy   [pat-see]  Show IPA
noun, plural pat·sies. Slang.

1. a person who is easily swindled, deceived, coerced, persuaded, etc.; sucker.
2. a person upon whom the blame for something falls; scapegoat; fall guy.
3. a person who is the object of a joke, ridicule, or the like.

Note: A person who is the object of a joke, ridicule, or the like. 

Who's the real Joker here? Smiling maniacally in the background??? Do you wonder - who is the real 'object of the joke' here? Everybody wants to automatically blame the person they think did the shooting, when they don't know for sure, how can they know everything? They can assume.. and that is another sad part of it.. that he will blamed, when he is clearly very disturbed himself, but again, perfect patsy, because he could probably get off on a defense of insanity. So, the true 'Joker' remains hidden. Cunning, very cunning.

And of course the Politicians have jumped on this before the blood has even dried in the street.. they are foaming at the mouth to instigate their 'Gun Laws' and you know this is all they need to instigate more 'groping' and 'body scanning' in more public places.. they've been itching to be able to set up more 'TSA gropers' and/or body scanner machines in bus stations, train stations, malls and the like.. now probably movie theaters.. Just watch that this does not start happening now.. besides the victims in this tragedy, all this and more is what is even more deeply disturbing... what they are allegedly willing to do to further their agendas and also that most people will never see past the victims and will never believe there is something more to this...

This article corroborates my ideas:

More later as more information comes out.

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