Seeking the Truth Behind the Pomp and Pageantry of the World



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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Disturbios en Andrómeda - Sobre un mar de ilusiones (Disturbances in Andromeda, On a Sea of Illusions)

I am posting this video since it deals with things of a mystical and Apocalyptic nature. And it is very symbolic of things going on in the undercurrent of our world today. For example, whatever title you want to give it, the figures in this video seem to symbolize the 'enlightened one' perhaps, the lighter colored figure with the long snout like nose and the hair extruding from its head. The black panther looking creature is obviously the enemy. And the sad damaged looking figure seems to me to represent humanity beaten down, and needing to be rescued. Take it as you will. But if you listen to the lyrics, it is about saying goodbye to this world, going to another one, and ultimately redemption. It is very fitting to the Apocalyptic themes abounding these days in anticipation of '2012' of whatever lies around the corner. Some believe that the Jesus Christ will return and 'Rapture' everyone away, some believe in a worldwide catastrophe culminating in worldwide destruction, some believe in War, some believe that the Aliens will arrive and either destroy or save Humanity. Whatever is the belief, I believe we are on the verge of something very new and different perhaps. The Mayans' belief of the 2012 'end of the world' may not be a literal end, but more of a beginning. It could be an 'end' yes, of the current world system, but I believe that something new will occur, although it will be like nothing we've all been expecting or imagining. But that is the good part.

1 comment:

  1. Feathers in the Nahuatl culture represent the spirit, mankind half dead, this is a very prehispanic view for reencarnation, and the "God" of darkness, good and evil. "Why my father's always telling lies" Life on a sea of illusions, the false realm.

    Thank you Riddle on a Rhyme, for letting me understand more about my own work. From my point of view, these songs are not actually mine, I'm just like a medium, a receptor, humans are who really wrote this.
