Seeking the Truth Behind the Pomp and Pageantry of the World



fact or FICTION?
you judge

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Keys of Life

An extremely talented and uniquely creative 'New Wave' avant-garde performer from the late 70's and early 80's known as Klaus Nomi, who seemed otherworldly himself, used to sing this song. It seems to have special esoteric meaning for us and our world today. It seems almost like a warning from beyond, from outer space to our earth. A photographer once described him as 'androgynous' but not so much as in male/female, as much as alien/human. I agree, there was something different about him. Very special. Klaus even had a byline attached to his persona which was 'He came from outer space to save the human race.' I wonder if there will be any extra-terrestrial beings that will come to save us when our world and we start to falter. Anyway, these words are so prescient and universally significant, I thought I should post them here. Whether you believe in the extra-terrestrial quality of the person or song or not, these words are impactful and thought-provoking.

Keys of Life

From ancient worlds I come
To see what man has done
What's fact and what is fiction
To judge the contradiction

(Keys of life, keys of life)

The future has begun
Much work has to be done
You're running out of time
Beware the silent sign

(Keys of life, keys of life)

Exploring new dimensions
New lifestyle my intention
Do not ignore advice!
You hold the keys of life

(Keys of life, keys of life, keys of life, keys of life)

There are numerous stories, ancient and modern, of space beings that have come to the earth to help or seed humankind. Nomi in this song is portraying one of these beings, one who has 'come from ancient worlds' to see what man has done." Time travel? Most certainly space travel. "What's fact and what is fiction" is very significant because there has been much deception over the millenia, since the beginning of recorded time of humanity, and many esoteric and alternative researchers believe that religion has been placed in humanity's hands as a way to manipulate and control them. "To judge the contradiction" sounds like the 'angelic' beings or perhaps extra-terrestrial beings that will come to earth in the last days, after the so-called Apocalypse to 'judge' what has happened. Going along with the concept of humanity being deceived, maybe since the 'beginning' in the Garden of Eden by the Serpent, I don't think that Humanity needs to be afraid of this 'Judging' for it is not about us, but about the ones that have deceived us all along and keep trying to deceive us for their own deeply sinister purposes. (See David Icke for more information). But those who have kept us in the dark so to speak and deceived us and keep deceiving us will get their just deserve and we, Humanity, will finally be able to live in true Peace.

When the song says

The future has begun
Much work has to be done

that to me signifies that we as humanity must also take part in this 'revolution' this turn around of Civilization, Life as we know it. We cannot just stand idly by and let 'God' come down and do what 'he' would do. That is the old way. We must take matters into our own hands. For 'much work has to be done.' I think that is what a lot of us are doing now. Saying the 'future has begun' is really saying that Time is one, yet, we almost don't have enough time, we have to start whatever it is now. For we're 'running out of time, Beware the silent sign.' That to me means that we may not even know when the End is near, or has begun, it may almost be imperceptible. We need to be aware and awake and discern the signs and the truth.

Exploring new dimensions
New lifestyle my intention

That new way of life that the 'Apocalypse' or 'New Age' is supposed to bring is part of all of this. And we must have 'intention' in it, not just again idly stand by or do nothing or whatever. But we must have intention in what we are doing.

Do not ignore advice!
You hold the keys of life

These last lyrics are important to me because they signify that we are given advice and wisdom and clues as to what we must do and we should listen! Because we, not some outer being, but 'we' hold the 'keys of life.' Of course keeping within the conjecture of the article, if we have been deceived all along, perhaps we have not been aware that we could change ourselves and our world all along. But this song seems to be telling us that we do and we can. We have the power, but we must find it and know that it is there and then use it. We 'hold the keys of life.'

Here is the video, so you can hear the music. Klaus sings it in a very interesting way as well, very 'alien-like.'

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